Tel.: +39 0187 73 29 87
For general information:
For tour operators:
For B2B shipping service:
The Consorzio Marittimo Turistico Cinque Terre - Golfo dei Poeti (Cinque Terre - Gulf of Poets Tourist Maritime Consortium) has identified the Environmental Management System as the appropriate tool for integrating the management of environmental aspects related to the maritime context in which it operates into its corporate policies in order to protect the environment, health and safety of workers, minimising the impact generated by all business processes identified in the scope of the EMS.
Download the documentISO 14001:2015, The ISO 14001 Standard is the regulatory benchmark for companies and organisations that have, or intend to have, an Environmental Management System.
The Consorzio Marittimo Turistico Cinque Terre - Golfo dei Poeti has an extensive network of technical and institutional partnerships; in this constantly updated section, we have collected them.
Doubts, questions? Insights?
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Our passengers benefit from the free and unlimited wifi network on board the motor ships
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Every day, from 8:00 a.m., navigation service updates available: weather and sea conditions; schedule changes, variations and events
Every day, from 8:00 a.m., navigation service updates available: weather and sea conditions; schedule changes, variations and events